WELCOME TO STIGSITE.COM (A Tradition Since 19 August 2005)
Hi. Welcome to contrabassguitarist/composer Steuart Liebig's website. There's information about bands and musicians with whom I am (or have been) involved, a discography, a biography, gear stuff, a calendar of gigs, links to other websites, a little bit about my philosophy about playing and composing music, and news. It's still a little new and there will be changes made over time - - I'm not sure that it's quite complete or finished. In fact, that brings up a little note - - as my friends will agree, I tend to be something of an archivist at heart (or obsessive, if you prefer). Due to this, there is probably way more information on me than any sane person would be to delve into . . . Welcome
Acknowledgements: Website help by Ryan Tetuan and Mario Boyd; pics by many, including Anthony Garcia, Ken Luey, Jay Terrien, Ellen Burr, Amparo Fernandez (and others that I'm too lame to remember); graphics assistance by Dave Poelman
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